Popular fall item comes to North America after European success. Bright yellow flowers quickly transition to elegant and long-lasting red berries. Compact habit great for containers.
Temperature: The use of warm temperature propagation can rapidly encourage rooting of Hypericum Magic Marbles. Recommended environment includes use of a 65 F night temperature. Misting in propagation should be used for the first 7-9 days to mitigate excessive wilting. Propagation environments set up with high indirect lighting will help to warm day temperatures and encourage rapid rooting.
Fertilize: Use an initial fertilizer concentration of 75 - 100 ppm with an increase to 100 -150 ppm at root initiation.
After root: Expect 7 to 10 days until root initiation. Once root initiation begins, move cuttings to an area of increased light and reduced misting to minimize the risk of stem elongation. Cuttings should still remain in the high humidity conditions of the propagation house.
Schedule: Expect 4 weeks of propagation until full root formation. Make 1st pinch in propagation as shoots begin to stretch. Pinch above 3 to 4 leaf sets.
More information: Should interventional chlorosis be present, review pH and hold pH between 5.8 to 6.2, avoid rising pH by use of acid fertilization. In addition, review irrigation practices and allow drying to occur between irrigations.
Environment: Environment is critical to great growth after transplant. At transplant, transition the rooted cutting into 5,000 to 6,000 ft candle environment with night temperatures between 60 - 62 F, slightly lower temperature and increase light conditions compared to the propagation environment. Plants can survive under much colder conditions as well.
After Transplant: Consider finishing outdoors on summer growing pads if available. High light and harsher environment will minimize stretch.
Pinch: Make 2nd pinch approximately 4 weeks after transplant.
After rooting: Reduce irrigations, after final container rooting, and begin to dry between irrigations.
CLEAN STOCK: Susceptibility of Hypericum to viruses and bacteria are well known. Kientzler Hypericum come for Kientzler Innovaplant with commitment to an unsurpassed record of production reliability.
Crop Scheduling: Make 1st pinch near the end of propagation. Plan on a 4-week propagation time. Pinch again 4 weeks after transplant. Finish 12 weeks after final pinch for a total growth time of 20 weeks.