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Calendula! POWERDAISY has a beautiful round habit, it is sterile and utterly robust against mildew. In addition flowers throughout the year, it is self-cleaning and can tolerate with soft frosts easily.

Temperature: The use of warm temperature propagation can rapidly encourage rooting of Calendula. Recommended environment includes use of 68 degree F. night temperature. Misting in propagation should be used for the first 10 - 14 days to mitigate excessive wilting and drying. Propagation environments set up with high indirect lighting will help to warm day temperature and encourage rapid rooting.

Fertilize: Starter fertilization can begin at 75 to 100 PPM and increase to 150 - 200 PPM at root formation.

More information: Scheduling for rooting should be 4 weeks.

Environment: Environment is critical to good Calendula growth after transplant. At transplant, transition the rooted cuttings into 5 - 6000 foot candle environment with night temperature at 45 to 55 degrees. (Plants respond well to high light and cool night environments) Begin increased fertilization to 200 PPM. No pinch required !

After rooting: After rooting into final container, reduce irrigations and begin to dry slightly between irrigations. Product can be moved to brighter light with 8000 ft candle as a target.

Crop Scheduling: Use the following schedules for Calendula finishing Pots, Plants bulk best by controlling night temperature to 45 to 55 degree nights. Schedule 12 weeks from rooted cuttings.

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