Salvia x guarantica ‘Bodacious Rhythym and Blues’: This new hybrid has medium sized dark green foliage, maintaining the dark color throughout the season. Plants are covered with long flowers stems, elegant black calyx carrying larger saturated dark blue flowers.
Temperature: The use of warm temperature propagation can rapidly encourage rooting of Salvia. Recommended environment includes use of 62 - 65 degree F. night temperature. Misting in propagation should be used for the first 7- 10 days to mitigate excessive wilting. Propagation environments set up with high indirect lighting will help to warm day temperature and encourage rapid rooting.
Fertilize: Starter fertilization can begin at 75 to 100 PPM at root formation.
After root: After root initiation (7 days), stretch in propagation can be mitigated by change of environment to lower humidity and High light and use of PGR (B-9 2500 PPM) followed by pinch in propagation at 21 days.
More information: Scheduling for rooting should be 4 weeks.
Environment: Environment is critical to good Salvia growth after transplant. At transplant, transition the rooted cuttings into 5 - 6000 foot candle environment with night temperature at 60 - 62 degrees, slightly lower temperature and higher light compared to the propagation environment. Begin increased fertilization to 150 - 200 PPM.
After rooting: After rooting into final container, reduce irrigations and begin to dry slightly between irrigations. Temperature can again be maintained at 60 F degree nights and high of 70 -75 degree day. Product can be moved to brighter light with 8000 ft candle as a target. Use of PGRs may be required for Salvia x guarantica varieties.
CLEAN STOCK: Susceptibility of Salvia to viruses are well known. Kientzler Salvia come from Kientzler Innovaplant with commitment to unsurpassed clean record of production reliability.
Crop Scheduling: Use the following schedules for finishing Salvia Pots, 6 inch and gallon containers in Early spring should finish in 13- 16 weeks (Pinch in propagation at 1 week prior to transplant). A second pinch may be required to produce a full plant.