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Fantastic garden performance in cool weather. Flower spikes attract pollinators and fill landscapes with an abundance of color. Blooms mid-summer to early fall. Hardy to zone 5b. Specifically bred to minimize propagation loss.

Temperature: Warm propagation temperatures encourage rapid root growth. Recommended night temperatures of 62 - 65 F. Propagation areas with high levels of indirect lighting experience a boost in daytime temperatures. Misting during the first 7 - 9 days of propagation can diminish excessive wilting. Propagation environments set up with high indirect lighting will help to warm day temperatures and encourage rapid rooting. Reduce mist in propagation, for Lavender and other silver foliage plants, to increase cutting turgidity.

Fertilize: Use an initial fertilizer concentration of 75 - 100 ppm with an increase to 150 - 200 ppm at root initiation.

After root: Expect root initiation to occur after 7 - 10 days. Mitigate propagation stretch by moving rooted cuttings to an area of increased light, cooler temperatures and reduced mist. Pinch rooted cuttings if stretch continues despite new environmental conditions. Movement of rooted cuttings should only occur after leaves can resist wilting.

More information: Target summer and fall propagation for best rooting. Plan on 4 weeks of propagation after sticking for well-established roots to grow. Verify roots have developed on the sides of growth cell before transplant. Do not rush transplant.

Target Sales: Expect finished crops for late spring and summer.

Environment: Environmental factors are key to exceptional Lavender growth. Transition rooted cuttings at transplant to an area of slightly increased light, cooler temperatures and reduced humidity. Recommended light concentration of 5000 to 6000 ft candles with a night temperature between 60 - 62 F.

Vernalization: Lavender growth and flowering requires a vernalization period. Provide 8 to 12 weeks at 41 F to vernalize. Optimal growth after vernalization occus under long day conditions.

More information: pH levels should be held between 5.8 and 6.2. Monitor pH in the presence of interveinal chlorosis. Avoid rising pH by use of acid fertilization. Additionally, review irrigation practices and allow drying to occur in between irrigations after root formation.

CLEAN STOCK: Susceptibility of Lavender to viruses and bacteria are well known. Kientzler Lavender are shipped from Kientzler Innovaplant with commitment to an unsurpassed clean record of production reliability.

Crop Scheduling: Finish 6 in and 2.5 qt containers in early spring. Allow 4-week propagation time, 2-3 weeks of rooting time after propagation and vernalize for 8 -12 weeks. Finish pots in a cool greenhouse for May budding and June flowering.

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